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Longevity Investment Solutions

Longevity, defined as the ability to live a long and healthy life, has attracted increasing interest from scientists, health professionals and the public in recent years. Longevity innovations have the potential to significantly extend a person’s lifespan and health span and to revolutionise our healthcare system. 

Life expectancy source:  BFS, 31/01/2024

Science, not fiction

Scientific research on longevity focuses on identifying the genetic, molecular and environmental factors that contribute to lifespan, and on developing interventions to support a longer and healthier life.
There has been significant progress in terms of researching and promoting longevity in recent years. In 2013, a group of scientists identified some factors as the common denominators of ageing in their report ‘The Hallmarks of Aging’ on the ageing process in various organisms.

Holistic view

In addition to genetics, lifestyle factors also play a key role when it comes to longevity. Companies that develop innovative solutions to promote a healthy lifestyle, such as apps to monitor your health, wearables to track your fitness level or personalised nutrition plans, will benefit from the longevity megatrend.
The advance of digitalisation and networking in the healthcare sector also opens up new opportunities. Companies that develop solutions to collect, analyse and use health data could play a key role in promoting longevity in the future. The food industry will also play a leading role in longevity. According to a Grand View Research report, the global food supplement market is expected to reach USD 327.42 billion by 2030. The forecast annual growth rate is 9.1%. 1

Companies that develop a longevity strategy will be in the best position to influence the paradigm shift from a reactive to a preventive healthcare system. Whether they gain key expertise through mergers and acquisitions, partner with start-ups and academic institutions, or leverage their own key skills, these companies will be in a better position to compete if they are helping to create a future of ageing and health where people live healthier and longer lives.

Longevity Ecosystem

Investing in the longevity megatrend

We provide access to attractive investment opportunities in both listed and private companies through Helvetic Trust Longevity Investment Solutions. This means we ensure that our clients are optimally positioned in the markets to benefit from the longevity megatrend. Helvetic Trust guarantees a disciplined investment strategy. That’s why we have developed a scoring model that evaluates companies based on the following criteria:

  • Pipeline and products
  • Patents and intellectual property
  • Competitive environment
  • Financial metrics
  • Research and development strategy

We complement our in-house expertise with an advisory board that gives us valuable insights into the latest developments.

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Hallmarks of Aging: This was updated in 2023, with the original nine Hallmarks of Aging expanded to include three more. To date, the article with the nine hallmarks is considered to be the key contribution to longevity research. The three new hallmarks are disabled macroautophagy, chronic inflammation, and dysbiosis.
1= Grand View Research, Forecasts 2024–2030, Dietary Supplements Market Size & Trends